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The built form and the written word, both have a lot in common. Some relations are more literal – the basic building blocks, the structure, certain distinctive elements. But, both go well beyond the physical and the literal -  The ultimate purpose behind designing buildings and writing prose is to invoke feelings, to lead one through space and time, to tell stories.

While our buildings tell the specific stories of our client’s, it is through our words that are able to share our stories with you. It is through our words that we are able to visualize and create narratives that drive the process. It is these words that fuel the excitement in anything and everything that we do – whether it be about the artisans and craftsmen who work with us, simple construction processes or just the spaces that we experience.

Here is a glimpse of some of these stories.

If you'd like to read more, you can find all of our stories on our Blogspot.

Writer's pictureSandarbh Architects

All About a Housewarming

Sunday mornings are typically spent in the laziest of moods but today was totally different. A bunch of us were up, bright and early and ready to head to Basavangudi - all for a Housewarming Pooja of one of our clients. The home so to speak is an apartment building shared between 3 families. While the interiors differ from floor to floor, on the outside several elements tie the whole built form together.

The days leading up to the Pooja had been action packed to say the least - both in office and on site. We pushed ourselves, excelling in some aspects, falling short in some too. But all shortcomings were forgotten when we were greeted with beaming smiles at the entrance of the home. The little Ganesha that we had presented to them as a souvenir was also seated near the entrance (Curious about the souvenir? Know all about it here) . As the God of auspicious beginnings and Remover of obstacles, the occasion and the placement felt just right. We were treated to some sumptuous breakfast and given offerings in the form of prasad. After that we went around the entire building, as a pooja had been conducted on three different floors as well - one for each of the families. As we stopped at each floor, taking our time at each level, we even had our client's joking around about how even today the agenda of going around the house was to generate a task list for the pending works. Being there today, the happiness, the vibrancy, it was all rather magical. This is what the job is all about right - at the end of the day its not the drawings or the renders or the details, it's all about the people who would spend their lives in that home. Many years down the line, I may not remember much about this particular project but its certainly going to be hard to lose the memories of all the smiling faces I encountered today!



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